Monday, December 13, 2010

Funny little moments...

It's amazing to me that even at such a young age you are able to differentiate between what you like and what you don't. I have been playing for you since way before you were born a collection of classical music by the wonderful folks down at Baby Einstein's. There is a long extended instrumental of Twinkle, Twinkle. And boy oh boy do you fight sleep tooth and nail. I really don't get that. I cannot tell you how I value my sleep. It is most definitely one of the most delicious things in the world. Nothing re-energizes your body and soul like a good sound sleep! But you ma'am, you're like, "Uh yeah no lady what's wrong with you? Sleep? Sleep is for the weak, I want to keep exploring this leave me be or I will put up a good ferocious struggle....I will scratch, scream, tug, pull, jerk until either your body starts going numb or I go of the two ....not both.....and I SWEAR I'm determined to win this time sucka!"
Now, I also play for you a DVD by Baby Einstein's called Baby's First Sounds. It's supposed to be for 6 months and above but when I experimented to see if you'd dig it, oh you DID, so I do what I can to ensure I tickle your insides....And on this DVD there is all sorts of random things, images, songs, poems, and so forth. And every now and then and it happens often there will appear an image of a starry sky at dusk and the song Twinkle Twinkle will come on first in English then a few more different images play then again the song in Spanish ...and etc. it comes on in a few languages....and you HATE that DVD for the few seconds it plays the song. It truly is hilarious. As soon as the music stops you begin kicking your legs and flailing your arms in excitement. You start giggling and all is well in the world as long as we don't try to fool you with Twinkle Twinkle.... I am truly grateful beyond measure and humbled at the fact that I am able to be part of a generation that technology has developed and nurtured so that I am able to always capture your many funny little moment's with so much facility. I love you.

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